Jumat, Juli 15, 2016

Good Bye Elementary School, Hello Junior High School

Satu lagi tahap telah selesai. Ara akhirnya lulus dari SD Embun Pagi dengan nilai yang memuaskan. Sekali lagi Ara menjadi yang terbaik di kelasnya. Tiga kali Ara menerima sertifikat penghargaan dari sekolahnya. Sertifikat pertama adalah penghargaan karena berhasil mencapai nilai sempurna 100 untuk mata ujian Matematika, kedua untuk overall achievement dalam ujian praktek dan ketiga untuk prestasinya sebagai siswa dengan nilai UN tertinggi. Masing-masing sertifikat penghargaan disertai dengan amplop berisi uang yang lumayan besar dan udah dimasukkan ke tabungannya di Mandiri Syariah

"Wow, I am rich !" gitu ujar Ara begitu balik dari teller selesai menyetor uangnya
. Rangkaian selebrasi selesainya pendidikan di tahap Sekolah Dasar dimulai dengan acara perpisahan di Mongolian Camp The Highland Park Bogor. Ini murni acara untuk melepas kepenatan setelah menjalani serangkaian Pendalman Materi, Try Out, Ujian Praktek dan Ujian Sekolah dan Ujian Nasional. Acara berkisar antara permainan yang dipandu kakak-kakak dari Mongolian Park sampe Malam Gembira yang diisi dengan nyanyi-nyanyi dan nagis-nangisan terharu.
Selain itu, ada juga acara Wisuda Hafiz Juz 30, sebagai penanda bahwa anak-anak telah menyelesaikan hafalan surat-surat di Juz 30. Ara dateng cuma sama mamanya, karena gue gak bisa cuti.
Terakhir, adalah acara Pelepasan Siswa Kelas 6 yang diadakan di Hall Yamaha Music School Cipinang Indah. Yang paling berkesan adalah kejutan di mana sekolah berhasil mengumpulkan guru-guru yang pernah bertugas mengajar Ara dan teman-temannya dari kelas 1 sampai kelas 6, meski sebagian udah gak lagi mengajar di SD Embun Pagi. Seperti layaknya seorang lulusan, Ara pun bertoga ....
Kita datang dengan batik seragam dan membawa serta Niniknya Ara.
Resmi deh Ara lulus SD .... Lihat betapa senengnya kita berdua .....
Di penghujung acara, gue kembali kebagian tugas nyampein sambutan atas nama orang tua murid, kayak waktu acara lulusan TK Ara ... Hehehehe ...
Lalu, kemana Ara melanjutkan sekolah? Nah itu adalah tahap yang paling mendebarkan. Proses PPDB online bener-bener menguras emosi, karena setiap beberapa menit nama Ara terus melorot dari daftar siswa di sekolah favoritnya. Alhamdulillah, ending-nya menyenangkan. Pada saat penutupan proses PPDB Online jalur umum, nama Ara berhasil bertahan di urutan 76 di antara anak-anak yang diterima di SMPN 255 Jakarta Timur. Lihat betapa senengnya dia ....

A Letter for Ara Before the Final Exam

Dear Ara, It feels like it was only a few days ago when we rushed to the hospital after you kicked your mom’s belly and broke the water so that the doctor had to get you out of her belly long before the due date. We still cannot believe that it has been twelve years since the first day we laid our eyes on you while you were sleeping in a box with cables and tubes attached to your body. Despite the troubles and distress, we can still recall the joy of welcoming you to this world. However, it is hard for us to find the words to describe how happy we are to be blessed with such a precious girl like you. How quick the time has passed since the first day you learnt to talk, sing and read. It seems like it was yesterday when you went to Embun Pagi for your first day of school. Now, you have almost reached the end of your elementary school days as the final exams are looming large. You may still recall our high-pitched voice howling at you to do your homework or to open and read your textbooks before tests; or how impatient your mom and I can be when we helped you with your homework and tasks. Rest assured that we mean nothing but the best for you, but we are clueless as to how to convey it better. Times and times again you have made us proud with your commendable achievements. You have done so much that you deserve a place among the best at school. Our tears of frustration in helping you to comprehend and master the lessons from your teachers have often times become tears of joy when we received the reports. We cannot thank you enough for your hard work. No words are suitable for describing our contentment with your accomplishments. We are so proud of you. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful and smart daughter like you. Do you remember our frequent talk about school, or about formal education, but most importantly about the process of learning many things that may be useful for your future? Or the stories we told you about people who were able to make great achievements, even though they had nothing but strong intention and vast knowledge, or about people who failed themselves in life despite the luxury they had during their childhood? Do keep those words always in mind as we meant them as words of encouragement and inspiration for you. You may still have it fresh in your memory our lengthy conversation about what kind of future you want to have, about what profession or occupation you are yearning for, and about what it takes to achieve those desires, including your intention to attend the best junior high school in town. Remember that your mom and I will always support you and we will always be there for you no matter what happens at the end of the process. Make the efforts, do your best and Allah will do rest, but you shall never forget that best results can only be achieved with best efforts. We have never asked you to be perfect or to be the best. In fact, we do not want you to try to be perfect or to be the best. We just want you to do your best, because we know you can. We do not care about the results as long as we know that you have tried hard and done your best. We wish you good luck for your upcoming exams. No matter how hard those exams might be, we believe that you can breeze through them easily. We know that you have focus and the ability, the patience and stability and you are so well prepared and fully ready. Be confident in yourself like we have full confidence in you. We are sure you will ace the exams easily. Remember that whatever happens, we love you with all our heart and soul. Love, Mom & Dad